New start
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4:54 PM
Our energy and attitude is the economy for our opportunity. Withouth the right attitude and individual twile to achieve a goal, one rarely ever meets with opportunity. Some say others are lucky and blessed. Perhaps that's not wholly true. It is that some work harder than the others, in a smarter way, with the right attitude in order to meet with the ideal opportunity well prepared.
May be I should learn that lesson and let it sink in. May be even let it sink in whilst I twile away on my goals and commitments.
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9:37 AM
Labels: opportunity, success
Introducing - spread the NOISE
Ok. Hard times still. I wrote in my last post below that the rough times are upon me, and now they're in my midst. But as I did say, it's either I spot an opportunity and make something significant out of the hard, or crawl down and fade out of the game.
So, I introduce to you, which you must introduce only to your finance director or the man himself, the CEO of your company or department, that there is a new swoop in town: Reached Communications - a brand value communication agency that I have just crafted. It still smells like a new handbag Gucci. A new pair of shoes Prada (without the devil wearing them).
Reached Communications will only be one of the scores of some others to be pushed through Reached Investments, a holdings company in the makings. Most of these may sound like a wet dream, but one or two few steps have kinda clinched me a first small client. And guess what, the first big client for Reached Communications is going to be secured through you... so big up to you for passing this message to your rich/powerful cuz, rich/powerful boyfriend, rich/powerful husband, rich/powerful girldfriend, sister, mom, dad, grands and your connections.
Reference is to this pitshop: .
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10:23 AM
Labels: brand value communications, introducing, reached communications
It's hard times. For the first time since I left varsity as a qualified journalist (Sunday Times trained), I find myself unemployed. Qualified, skilled, experience and innovative + unemployed.
Finding myself in this position makes me revisit my ideas of starting up my Co. Now here I sit at this desk in my study (in a 'tin dladla', huge mahagony desk from antique shop, entrepreneurial and marketing books all round the shelves, a candlelight by the laptop, no electric supply or phoneline) and trying to start a Reached Communications/ Reached People. And the energy, with this coffee bucket on the desk gives me hope that I will start this company.
Although it was never planned that I be unemployed, with two kids and a homemaker wife, I just gotta live with the fact that if I can't get into some other position as an individual, then I better get in to the game of business. Last week I chose to crawl under and die. But today, now, I chose to climb up and, bust and shine.
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1:11 PM
Labels: hard times, opportunity
I like what the guys of the Jumeirah Group – the creators of the world’s most luxurious hotel, the Burj Al Arab (in Dubai) are doing. I like what Sol Kerzner, of Kerzner International, the developers of Sun City (and now the Tower Marina – boasting a R100m penthouse) is doing. These guys, their teams and others, are involved in what I call ‘the business of masterpieces’.
These companies and their leaders have the kind of minds not made in this world. At least because their limits are only up as high as the skies can stretch. They not only dream it, but they dream it big. I mean, DAMNED BIG. And big and extra unique they make it.
These companies, these individuals pour themselves into their projects – even though they are told by professionals and experts/critics that it cannot be done. And they always come up tops and deliver even beyond their own wildest dreams. Their successes are never ordinary. They are beyond extraordinary. They’re, for lack of words, ‘grande’ unique.
Why won’t any of us get inspired and motivated by what these companies and the individuals behind them dream up and create? If we could achieve at least only 50% of the marvels that they take years and years putting together, then we would be able to produce masterpieces out of our own projects.
I want a piece of mastery in my life. A creation, be it a book, a building, a graphic design piece, a poem, a photograph or anything else worthy of my hand. If only that little much I can create, then I should be able to sit back in admiration of achieving a masterpiece. Being part of the business of masterpieces.
But one thing I know for sure is that the business of masterpieces doesn’t involve shortcuts and run-of-the-mill thinking. It requires long term effort and dedication to deliver on a large scale commitment. Something of a legend, one may say.
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1:11 PM
Labels: masterpieces
Most of the time we wait for a perfect moment to make things happen. To print our mark on the planet. Truth is, as evidenced by so many succesful characters in history, a perfect moment is just never coming. This means that the wait will only become longer and longer, and then eventually become infinite - a way of life. The time, if a perfect one at all, is NOW.
I pick on this weakness today because I realised that lately, I have just summoned my energies back. Not that they were never there, I just didn't tap into them deeply and consistently. With such energies, focused and robust, I achieve daily some of the things that I just kept putting off for later.
The other thing I realised about rather doing it now, without waiting to be perfectly ready, is that most successful people have made getting-things-done their way of life. Their second nature. It's something that they hold themselves too until it all seems automatic.
Where do you stand in the endeavour to make things happen. To leave your personal mark wherever you interact, wherever you strut?
I choose to make consistent tries to get it done, realistically, 80% of the time.
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11:32 AM
Labels: perfection, star performers
Posted by
9:33 AM
Labels: 20 percent underperformance, 80 percent potential, true potential
I’ve been meaning to ponder intimately on the idea of ‘will’. More specifically, will in terms of the determination to persuade and confront in action in order for one to achieve whatever it is that they are engaged with. And I’m yet to ponder in such an intimate way but by far I’ve come to realise one or two about will.
Will makes things happen. It is will that keeps one alive. It is will that gives one hope (albeit sometimes hope gives birth to will). It is will that connects one between the sweat of their brow and the taste of success. Where there’s a will, there’s a way. In contrast, no will, no win.
Best then, that if one is going to have will at all, to have one of steel. The kind of will that doesn’t break easy under enormous pressure. The will of steel that can carry you after all your hope, faith and last sweat has been ashed in a furnace of life.
With that kind of will, even a goal and a dream that seem far-away from reality will see the sunlight. Will be felt by your fingertips as you lay in the reality that was once only a ‘castle-in-the-air’ as skeptics always say.
So as you will, make sure you overdose that will. Put in a bit more than you often do. Do that extra mile. Do that extra minute. Make that extra stride. And as your will holds for the next few meters, it may be the time when the wheel turns. And your will of steel safes your day.
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10:08 AM
Labels: hope, will of steel
My puppy, Tommy – a replacement of the real Tommy my parents hawked some 3 years ago whilst I was at varsity – taught me something. (Because it virtually enslaves my kids during daylight, I leash it until night falls when the girls don’t need the playground no longer). Guess what, untied and free to roam the yard, Tommy ran only as far as the leash allowed it earlier.
Basically, the poor but cute puppy imagined and in fact, felt it still was tied. Limited freedom it imagined (if dogs do) that the reality is that it can't move beyond a certain point. Beyond a certain benchmark. Past the usual point. The puppy knew, for a fact that its ability to move any further from its area of wander was impractical, fluff and air-castle. That it doesn’t matter how strong it was, it was not achievable to move beyond the normal - the area of the leash.
Driving point home: as human beings, we often limit ourselves too. We often think that we can't achieve beyond what we’re not usually used to. That the higher and more rewarding benchmark can’t be reached by us because yesterday, or history, taught us that we can’t. Like Tommy, we get used to limits, and start to perform, innately, within those limits. Anything above and beyond seems like a wish-wash. Like wooz.
The reality is that, your leash sometimes comes off. ‘Every dog has its day.’ Every star (-human being) has their moment to become a superstar, if they’re up to it. But when your day of reckoning comes, the moment when the leash/the tie is off, will you know by pushing a few steps further above the limit, or will you let pass by sitting in the comfort zone imagining that you’re limited (like poor, but furious Tommy)?
When you’re day of reckoning comes, seize the moment.
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Bad performers somewhat have a right, even if not so innate, to perform bad. Repecursions very little unto them since they're use to them. But star performers. Great performers. Geniuses, on the other hand, have a responsibility to keep performing at peak. They can and shouldn't mellow their performance.
It's a responsibility of a committed perform to ensure that a project started on a high note is ended/closed/delivered on a high note. Or may be even a higher note. Once you set your performance benchmark levels higher, then you better haul those sockses higher as well. Always.
It's when a star perform makes the slightest of sloppiness that the world around them notices. It's when a sloppy performer plays a bad, slumbersome note that no one even pays attention or is slightly worried. Because it is expected. In contrast, so is with the star perform: it's expected that you kick ass left right and centre all the time.
So once you start on a good note. Once you adopt a style and approach of one who delivers excellence, then excellence will always be expected of you. You should, in fact, expect, you yourself, excellence out of you all the time. Any time.
I'm going there. I'm getting there. Gimme a bit of time.
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11:30 AM
Labels: finish well, star performers, start well
Today I'm haunted by a thought which I wrote about several months ago: that if you you don't maintain personal integrity, you fail in most things. If not fail, you will experience shortfalls in your quality of life, of your goals, of you success. The quality will just short you in so many ways. But surely, as I've so often realised, with personal integrity, most things in life become less painful in the in longer run.
So if you say you're going to start a new regime at a certain time in your life and that time has arrived, change, start. Just do it. If your goals are due, make sure you will have put in the sweat of your labour and deliver on the personal promise.
That way, you have less of a haunting voice inside of you that says, "how often will you procrastinate, lazy", "why can't you made a single goal you yourself has set", "why can't you stick to that diet you swore in January you would stick to", why this, why that and many more whys and ifs. And where we cheat personal integrity, our heart of hearts always reminds us and once we remember, we become miserable as our own innerselves confront us on our habits.
Watch your personal integrity barometer. You actually only stand to benefit if you stick to it.
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9:58 AM
Labels: personall integrity
Of late, I learnt a hard lesson. Probably one of the few hardest ones. And I hope that it has sunken in deep so I remember it for much long.
I've learnt that although I think of myself most of the time as one who has to achieve things in only black or white, and not any other way, it doesn't always work like that. Life doesn't work like that. Life has the little cracks of grey in between the absolute black and absolute white. And it's those lines I have been missing.
I have been overlooking that I can be satisfied with achieving the best that I COULD. That it's ok that I didn't get it in the exact manner or order or colour or mass that I wished to.
Why this lesson is so important to me, why do I need to cherish it? Because my 'the-best-way or the-highway' approach sometimes hurts those close to me. Those important in my life. And even more, those that I interact with in various facets of life itself.
So my lesson learnt of recent: Nobody is perfect. I am not perfect.
But one thing for sure is that I don't have to lose mark of always aiming high. Aiming above the benchmark. For the best that can possibly be. That will always be part of me. I think now it will work best since I have come to the realisation or acceptance that none, as long as human as another average human, is perfect.
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9:40 AM
I thought I should share a few principles that I've been aligning my life with lately. They're, in fact, extracted from one of the chapters in a book that I'm working on. In the book there's no reference to the Creed of Izz. That's just my pompous ego having a go at it.
Creed of Izz
- Seven principles to true joy
1. Seize the reign of fear in thy heart
2. Tame thy pompous ego
3. Make personal integrity the root of thy heart
4. Manifest thy heart’s desires by pursuing thy life’s purpose
5. Share the spoils of thy labour and sweat
6. Seek to genuinely display thy heart’s innate love to all thy fellow beings
7. Be content with little material riches, but constantly seek infinite inner wealth
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10:33 AM
Labels: creed of izz, fulfilled life, principles to live by, seven principles to true joy
Sometimes I have this marvellous ideas. So awesome they could set my mind alight - live. Such ideas come when I least expect them to (when do yours come). They're most spontaneous of imaginary creatures. Some people call these moments their bulb moments. Einstein moment.
To me, they mostly come during a period of intense reading (the rests between such readings). Periods when I'm most engaged to full throttle with my mind. In stark contrast though, they also come when I'm most relaxed. When I'm so relaxed I virtually ponder nothing in my head and then POP, a bonfire of an idea explodes.
But alongside such brilliancy, I noticed something missing. Something probably more important and significant than the most-awesome idea itself. That most of the time there's lack of believe in ones own ideas. Lacking the believe that although common sense says 'ah-aaah, not doable', one trusts and has faith that it can be done.
With me, I realised that if I pursued something that I doubt. Something I don't truly believe to be fruitful in its nature, I tend to go half at it. Sparing the other energy and resources for another. Divided attention I tell you.
It takes a lot to believe in your own idea. A lot more than it takes to even work on that idea. But at the same time, no work, no pay. No sweat, no mass. Simple as that. So my own lesson for today is that I must harness my ability to believe. Reignite it. Light it back up. And then quadraple that with 100% pure hard work. Let alone with pursued imagination.
So once you capture that brilliant moment. Once you net that awesome idea. First believe truly in it, then stack up the hard work and bring it home to roast - success that is.
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Posted by
8:31 AM
Labels: beliefs, believe, compilation of izzonline, faith, hard work, idea
A bowl of sour grapes. Bitter, sour grapes. One would describe the journey of life like that sometimes. Or is it often. But then again, in life, we have to take teh bitter with the sweet. For times roll, the good old days return. Times roll a slope further, then the bad old days pay us that dreaded bitter visit. And it is during this time that we wish this, that, and that.
Someone just recently said to me, whatever you're going through Izz, take the bitter with the sweet. And remember a coin always has two sides and more often than not, the other side is always good. And that good side, once the coin rolls over like time does, it will be your opportunity of enjoying a busk or two in the sun.
Not cultivating thick skin, the kind that can stand the cold days in your life, will always make one pessimistic. For you wouldn't see the silver lining in the clouds. That thin, very thin silver line that says, 'there's light alongside this darkness'. That the tunnel ends with the light. But if we can't take the bitter with the sweet, our hope will not last us to get to the sweeter part of the journey of life.
I better try and re-engineer my skin to be a bit thicker than it is sometimes. It does get to be a bit too thin, especially when I have lost all hope in something. Sure you can also do that as someday you will need that thick skin when the bitter period cuts in.
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A bowl of sour grapes. Bitter, sour grapes. One would describe the journey of life like that sometimes. Or is it often. But then again, in life, we have to take teh bitter with the sweet. For times roll, the good old days return. Times roll a slope further, then the bad old days pay us that dreaded bitter visit. And it is during this time that we wish this, that, and that.
Someone just recently said to me, whatever you're going through Izz, take the bitter with the sweet. And remember a coin always has two sides and more often than not, the other side is always good. And that good side, once the coin rolls over like time does, it will be your opportunity of enjoying a busk or two in the sun.
Not cultivating thick skin, the kind that can stand the cold days in your life, will always make one pessimistic. For you wouldn't see the silver lining in the clouds. That thin, very thin silver line that says, 'there's light alongside this darkness'. That the tunnel ends with the light. But if we can't take the bitter with the sweet, our hope will not last us to get to the sweeter part of the journey of life.
I better try and re-engineer my skin to be a bit thicker than it is sometimes. It does get to be a bit too thin, especially when I have lost all hope in something. Sure you can also do that as someday you will need that thick skin when the bitter period cuts in.
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Patrice, a man I'm lucky to often shake his right had whenever ever I'm at Nelson Mandela Square (by Sandton City), has made the cover of the international benchmark business magazine, Forbes.
He is introduced as the new kid billionaire (only black South African national) with riches amounting to about R6.6 billion at todays rates. He makes all his riches from resources. His empire is African Rainbow Minerals (ARM).
I hope that having rubbed his hand some of the business aura/mysticism/shrewedness/attitude/energy of him has somewhat transformed into me for use tomorrow.
At the time, during the Audi/Joburg Fashion Week, when I networked Patrice and asked on what made him tick and what it takes to get to where he is, the answer was: nothing makes me what I am. I just believe in what I want and I work hard for it. And yes, he did seem and sound very normal and like your neighbour. So he is not wired differently in his biology, it's his attitude and approach that he has re-wired to be of a go-getter, or shall I say billionaire!
A mention of note is also that Bill Gates is now former richest man on earth alive. He has been unseated from the top golden throne by the modest investor guru and villager, Warren Buffet.
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11:30 AM
Labels: patrice motsepe
All things equal, life is pretty good. All things equal, design is life. Design makes life. Design is the entire beauty of life.
At least that's how much Izz loves design. I realise that most of my good ideas (including my poetry and some writings and my home decor) were inspired by the passion for design and by other designs that I come across. Even the 14-chapter novel that I'm working claims as its source, design.
We always buy one or two products in a day and overlook the attractive, often (at least to me) inspiring designs that adorn them. The house designs, signage design, automobile designs, decor designs and even ideas designs. The conglomerate of all that. All that cocktail, if you think long and hard about it, would inspire one to develop intriguing ideas that one hasn't even thought of as yet (obvisouly for fear of being a little crazy - for being non-comformist is called CRAZY). At least for me noticing design patterns has gotten me that far, and even on a path to a creative highway. Once on that highway - and am sure am on my way there just now - the achievements will be numerous.
So today my word is only that do pause everytime you have yourself a product with catchy design, when you go passed a well designed product of any kind. Make a mental snapshot of it. Do so often until it almost becomes second nature and I have no doubt that when you need to get creative with something, anything, a conglomerate of all that design patterns you had consumed will come to your marvellous rescue.
Something for me to keep working on.
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11:18 AM
Labels: design is life
I have updated my poetry blog with a few interesting poems. Please check them out on this destination: Happy poeming.
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Posted by
8:51 AM
Labels: izzonline poetry, poems
It's not that I'm advocating a belligerent 'I-take-no-shit-from-anyone' attitude. That you should go on even where sense says step back. Be put. Let it go. Don't fight or fight back. But where you're heart tells you it's all so wrong for some people or institutions to mal-treat and just get away with it, fight. You just gotta know in your heart of hearts that it goes against your values, at to take out individualism, that on average it is wrong for someone or some institution to treat you there way they have.
Yesterday, I was walking down town Pretoria within the buzz and hussle of humankind. Then, innocently as we looked, I'd like to believe, four 'reservist (training) policemen apprehend us in an unlikeable manner. They then say to us without even greeting, "we want to search you, we suspect you'. Needless to say, I was more than appauled. I was freaked out. I was angered. I went belligerent and launched into the same attitude they apprehended us with. I demanded they present us with a search warrant if they were to successufuly and lawfuly search me or my brother. Again, needless to say, I grabbed my brothers hand, amidst my fury, started walking away from them since they didn't greet me, they didnt present themselves in a lawful manner, and couldn't produce a search warrant and chose us two, within a buzz of more than a hundred people. Well, they gave chase although we weren't running. Following a long exchange of words, they decided 'you seem educated and you think you know too much than us'. They then cuffed me. Cuffed me without saying that famous line of , 'you have right to remain silent... to a lawyer... and all that.' I asked what was the cause of my arrest. Aaah, you talk too much and we want you to tell that 'shit' to our commissioner. Well, I demanded then they take me to conference with their boss. Half way to the police station, me in total shame from the stares and embarrassment as I was handcuffed like a flight risk, hardened criminal, kept on asking them the cause of my arrest as they didn't even search me to find a weapon. Realising they went for wrongful, unprocedural arrest and having had a bit of tough questions to answer from me, they decided 'we giving you a warning for resisting a search'. I demanded the promised conference with the commissinor. Well, needless to say once again, they wrote down my name (wrongly spelt), took down my incorrect number (as I was so shocked I couldn't recall my real number), and as I demanded one of their names and service number they said: "to do what with them". They dashed off into the alleys of the streets. Pity they didn't have names tags, or rather, luckily for them they didn't take me to the commissioner to explain that they arrested a cooperative guy because he asked what were his rights during and arrest or a search, but, the night before that, they didn't catch a guy who robbed my little sister of her cellphone and cash at knifepoint, and a month earlier, they didn't come to attend to a racist and physical assault incident after I had called 10111 and was just given a reference number.
In short, if something is believed to be wrong. You believe it to be wrong, fight all you can. Just don't let your freedoms stripped of you and all you do is absolutely nothing whilst your heart tells you: I believe this is wrong'. Many people's blood was spilt fighting for our freedoms. That the police say we can do this and that, does not make it right or lawful or even constitutional.
Aluta continua!
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8:20 AM
Labels: police apprehend arrest