GOB!G Quote of the Day

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

I am what I am

I am big, big as the Himalayas where my fathers played seek and hide on;
I am big, big as the Kilimanjaro that my forefathers medidated on;
I am big, big as the fists of the freedom fighters that fought on;

I am beautiful, beautiful as the sun kissed dunes of the Kalahari;
I am beautiful, beautiful as the moon whose light caress the valleys of St. Lucia;
I am pretty, pretty as the lilies that drape the curves of Tanzania;
[read the rest here]

PS: I've just launched a new blog in the izzonline stable, a poetry blog, an inspirational poetry blog. So do check it out here to see my very first inspirational poem on the Africa, the beautiful father, the lovely mother of all continents.

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