Getting more personal
I'm happy to announce that I've moved my blog to a new personalised branded address: which is right where you are now. The old address will from now on no longer be treated as a live blog and will outdate. In all future visits, please dial . Isn't that easy to remember when you need to refer a friend to!
Thank you for your support and I'm busy thinking of more daily writings to put here for the next four months. Yes, the year has gone by just before our eyes, hands and energies. Make sure the rest of it doesn't go by before your very dreams. That will not be good a feeling at the end of the year when your emotions automatically go into stock taking mode and you discover, to your shame, that not much of value has been attempted, done, or achieved in the year that is the 007.
In case you hadn't noticed during July (07), 2007 was the only year in our lifetime to have the lucky number sequence, the jackpot: 7.7.7. I'm happy to announce that I took full exploiting advantage of it as I used it to rocket launch myself into achieving my childhood dream of writing a book - and boy is the book going well (I'm even toying with a plan to self-publish so you can bet it will be on the shelves and, without doubt or rejection slip collection from you know who.
And it is on the 07 07 07 that I laid my first sentence and in fact, created the entire plot and characters of the story. These words sounds vain, but the story and the writing are brilliant. Anyways, this entry was about custom domain, which is a bit vain itself. Pardon me, for it is rare of my nature.
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